Tips to Save Water At Home

Save water at home and reduce your electricity bills!

It’s extremely important to save water at home, not only to reduce your electricity bills but to also help out the environment. So many cities in the world struggle to get water, and water preservation is one of the main goals of the world today. Moreover, dripping water at home adds to moisture levels, humidity, and also causes leaks, which isn’t a very pleasant experience to clean up. 

Therefore, to save water at home, you need to start with yourself. Of course, your family will follow, but if you lead the way there’s no stopping you. You can try out some really simple tips at first, and if they work, go on to bigger and better ways to save water. 

Here are some easy tips that you can use to save water: 


Toilet leaks

An easy way to check leaks in your toilets is to put food coloring in your bowls. In case the color appears on your bowl without flushing, then you might have a leak on your hands. Such leaks can waste over 100 gallons of water every day. 


No more ashtray toilets

It’s important avoid using your toilet as an ashtray or a littler bin. Such things tend to waste up to 7 gallons of water and even more in the long run due to clogs.

Pebbles and bottles

On your toilet tank, try putting pebbles inside a one-liter bottle, weigh it down, fill the bottle with water, and place it in your toilet bowl. Do note that it shouldn’t touch the flushing mechanism. This handy hack can even save five gallons of water and keep your toilet efficient. 

Reduce your shower length

No, you don’t need 40-minute showers. Did you know, showers can consume around five to ten gallons every minute. Try to reduce your showers to 10 minutes tops, just enough to scrub, wash and rinse. Also, try to wash your hair once a week or so, as those showers tend to be very long.

Water saving heads

For your shower, you can use water-saving heads or flow restrictors. You can find this in your neighborhood hardware store, and these aren’t even very expensive. When you put these in, you only spend around three gallons a minute in the shower, not five. They install easily, and your shower will be a great experience.


Baths might be a better option than showers because they use far less water.

Turning off taps

Do make sure to turn off your faucet while brushing your teeth. Go a step further by keeping a glass on the side half filled with water. You don’t need it while brushing.

Turn off while shaving

Even while shaving, you don’t need the tap running. Turn off the tap. Fill your sink with warm water and rinse your razor. 

Check leaks

Leaks in the faucets and pipes contribute so much water wastage daily. Ensure that you check this, and also make sure to check with experts at Octopus to fix any leaks.


When you’re running your dishwasher, make sure to only run it at full load. Each cycle takes a lot of water.

Washing machine

Whenever you’re running your washing machine, make sure to do it at full load.

Shut off the tap when cleaning veggies

Instead of using the tap, fill a bowl with water and then rinse off your vegetables and fruits.

Hand washing dishes

You don’t need water all the time in situations where you wash your dishes by hand. Don’t keep the water running while you rinse it, and fill in one of your sinks with rinsing water. In case you just have a single sink, place all your washed dishes in your dish rack, and then rinse them once all are done.

Watering the lawn

Don’t water your lawn every day, but only when required. For example, in the winter, you don’t need to do this daily. Try and check the grass with your bare feet. In case the grass moves swiftly, it doesn’t need water for that day.

Lawn deep-soaking

Instead of using a water spray that wastes a lot of water, it’s best to soak the lawn with light sprinkles and wait for it to soak in. If more is needed, only then spray some more.

Watering plants

In case you need to water your plants in your garden or lawn, opt for those parts of the day that are cooler, as there is a lesser chance of fungus growth.

Ensure that water isn’t wasted on the lawn

Keep your sprinklers in such a way that they only seep into your lawn and not in areas such as the gutter. Don’t water on windy days because the water might be carried away somewhere.

Plants and trees that need less water

If you’re planting trees, then make sure you place a water-saving variety. 

Mulch in your lawn 

Mulch keeps moisture in and also prevents evaporation of sprinklers.

Clean walkways with a broom

Instead of hosing down walkways and losing a lot of water, use a broom instead. Also, when mopping your house floors, put water in a single container and then go ahead with the mopping. Try to refill as little as possible. 

And there you have it! 

Many tips on how to save water at home. These are all very easy and can be done by anyone, so make sure to try these out. In case you have any plumbing problems, experts at Octopus make sure that they are taken care of. If you enter into our annual maintenance contract, professionals will look into your air conditioning, electrical issues, and plumbing problems, and ensure that they are nipped in the bud. 

Moreover, plumbing issues are one of the leading causes of water wastage. With our services, you can save plenty of water annually and also lower your electricity bills. To find out more simply call our toll-free number 800 3993, and our representative will be in touch with you.